Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Improving performance of DataBinding, patience is gold

I came across a performance problem lately. I have a WPF Smart Client application connected to a Dynamics CRM back end. At some point in my application I have add a lot of lines in a data table held by an ObservableCollection class. The problem was each time I add a line into the collection a CollectionChanged event was raised and that triggered the update of some other fields, approximately 10 in my case.
So when was doing batch update the screen freezes for way too much time. I found out the problem was the cascading effect of recalculating all the dependent fields every time I add a ne line in the collection, thanks to the new Visual Studio 2010 performance analysis tools.
In this scenario, I’m only interested to get the totals right when I do the last insert, all other intermediate values are useless. I didn’t want to play with the data binding itself. I could have unbound the total calculation and have it rebinded at the end but I didn’t. Instead I chose to delay the calculation with some kind of sliding expiration timer. Such a timer, set with a timeout of 10 ms, would be reset every time a new add would be made, so if I add a bunch of line in batch odds that the delay between two line add be less than 10 ms is good. In fact it is so good that because it’s almost always true the calculation happens only once at the end.
So there is this magic DelayRun class with its DelayController:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;

namespace Infrastructure
    public interface IDelayRun
        void Reset();
        void Start(int ms);
        event EventHandler<DelayRunEventArgs> EventCompleted;

    public class DelayRun<T> : IDisposable, IDelayRun
        private static readonly ManualResetEvent _resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
        private readonly Action<T> _action;
        private readonly T _target;
        private int _delay;
        private volatile Timer _timer;

        private DelayRun(T target, Action<T> action)
            _action = action;
            _target = target;

        #region IDelayRun Members

        public void Start(int ms)
            if (ms == 0)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("ms", ms, "ms should be grater than 0.");

            if (_delay != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't start, already started.");

            _delay = ms;
            _timer = new Timer(Execute, this, _delay, Timeout.Infinite);

        public void Reset()
            lock (_timer)
                if (_timer == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't reset the timer, already completed.");

                _timer.Change(_delay, Timeout.Infinite);


        public static DelayRun<T> CreateNew(T target, Action<T> action)
            return new DelayRun<T>(target, action);

        public static DelayRun<T> StartNew(T target, Action<T> action, int ms)
            DelayRun<T> delayRun = CreateNew(target, action);
            return delayRun;

        public void Execute(object state)
            lock (_timer)
                _timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);


        #region Event Handling

        public event EventHandler<DelayRunEventArgs> EventCompleted;

        public void InvokeEventCompleted(DelayRunEventArgs e)
            EventHandler<DelayRunEventArgs> handler = EventCompleted;
            if (handler != null) handler(this, e);


        #region IDisposable

        public void Dispose()
            lock (_timer)
                if (_timer != null)


    public class DelayRunEventArgs : EventArgs
        public DelayRunEventArgs(IDelayRun delayAction)
            DelayAction = delayAction;

        public IDelayRun DelayAction { get; set; }

    public static class DelayController
        private static readonly IDictionary<string, IDelayRun> _actions = new Dictionary<string, IDelayRun>();

        public static void Add<T>(string key, T target, Action<T> action, int ms)
            if (_actions.ContainsKey(key))
                DelayRun<T> delayRun = DelayRun<T>.CreateNew(target, _ => {});
                _actions[key] = delayRun;
                string localKey = key;
                delayRun.EventCompleted += (sender, args) =>
                    action.BeginInvoke(target, ar => ar.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(), delayRun);
To use this class all you need to do is call the DelayController. The DelayController will handle the creation and the reset process of the DelayRun class. It can handle many delay class at once if they have different key value. Each time the controller Add method is called it either create a new instance of a DelayRun Class of reset the running one.
Here is how you can call it:
DelayController.Add("ValuesOnCollectionChanged", this, m => Recalc(m), 10);
This call will delay the Recalc method call for 10 ms. In the mean time if your program add other values to recalc you can recall this line and the delay will be reset for another 10 ms and so on.
Tell me if this can be helpful in your own projects.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Canadian Developer Connection : Windows Phone 7 Session Videos and Slides, Organized and Explained

Windows Phone 7 @ MIX10: Reports on the new hotness from MIX10 in Las Vegas

The Videos are Up!

It’s only been a couple of days since MIX10 wrapped up, but as promised, we recorded videos of all the sessions and they’re now available online. It doesn’t matter if you missed a session or missed the entire conference, you can now catch (or re-catch) them all. The videos are all “two-shots”; that is, they feature two views: one of the speaker, shown in a window on the left, and one of the current slide, shown in a view on the right. They’re all in Windows Video (WMV) format, and for many of the presentations, the speakers have also made the slides available in PowerPoint (PPTX) format.

The Windows Phone Videos

I’m biased – I’m one of the evangelists designated as a “Windows Phone 7 Champ” – so naturally I consider the Windows Phone 7 Series announcements made at MIX10 to be the most important ones of the conference. (Don’t worry, I’ll talk about the other things I saw at MIX in a later article.)

I’m a believer in “The Power of the Obvious”. Sometimes, there’s great power and utility in taking information that’s already out there and rearranging it in a way that makes it even more useful. That’s why I decided to take the listing of all the MIX10 session videos, pick out the ones applicable to Windows Phone 7 development and rearrange them into the three lists below:

I’ve listed each session with:

  • Its code and title – not the title that appears in the program, but the title that the presenters actually used (some were changed at the last minute)
  • A brief description of the session
  • A “You should watch it if” list to give you an idea of whether the presentation is relevant to you
  • Links to the video of the presentation, and if available, the slides

All told, there’s more than 18 hours’ worth of Windows Phone video.

Canadian Developer Connection : Windows Phone 7 Session Videos and Slides, Organized and Explained

Thursday, March 18, 2010

How to use strongly-typed name with INotifyPropertyChanged

You may already have read my posts about how to use INotifyPropertyChanged in a type-safe way (here and here), but sometime you don’t want to modify all your classes to use this method. All you want is avoid the use of a magic string to define the property. Your code will be refactoring proof.

For example let say you have this property:

public string FirstName
    get { return _firstName; }
        if (_firstName == value)
        _firstName = value;

Some refactoring tool, like Resharper, will be able to change the “FirstName” string but not Visual Studio itself. The solution? Replace this string with a strong type value. How? Let’s assume we can do this:

public string FirstName
    get { return _firstName; }
        if (_firstName == value)
        _firstName = value;
        RaisePropertyChanged(this.NameOf(p => p.FirstName));

Notice that you must specify the “this” keyword to make it work. That is exactly What this extension method let you do:

public static class ObjectExtensions
    public static string NameOf<T>(this T target, Expression<Func<T, object>> propertyExpression)
        MemberExpression body = null;
        if (propertyExpression.Body is UnaryExpression)
            var unary = propertyExpression.Body as UnaryExpression;
            if (unary.Operand is MemberExpression)
                body = unary.Operand as MemberExpression;
        else if (propertyExpression.Body is MemberExpression)
            body = propertyExpression.Body as MemberExpression;
        if (body == null)
            throw new ArgumentException("'propertyExpression' should be a member expression");

        // Extract the right part (after "=>")
        var vmExpression = body.Expression as ConstantExpression;

        // Extract the name of the property to raise a change on
        return body.Member.Name;

You can even use it in your property changed handler:

private void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
    if (args.PropertyName == this.NameOf(p => p.FirstName))
        // ...
